I have a prediction. You are probably going to cause a little trouble over the next few weeks.

Yep. Probably even if you are not normally a troublemaker. But especially if you have troublemaking tendencies, because the aspects we have coming up will be very enticing to those who would upset the apple cart.

First of all, we’re gearing up for a Mercury retro, that’s the little computer glitch in the orbit of the planet of communications that happens three times a year. It’s arguably the most talked about astrological event among non-astrologers, rivaling even eclipses. Generally, the amount of trouble caused by a Mercury retro, and the type of trouble it causes depends on where it falls in any individual’s chart.

And if it were a Mercury retro by itself, I wouldn’t worry too much. In fact, I (mostly) welcome the changes a Mercury retro brings, and the creativity, insights and changes-of-plans that often lead in surprising directions. Even the irritations, if faced mindfully, can help us to change our same-old, same-old reactions to adversity.

But we have a few other things happening.

One of these is a Saturn/Pluto meet-up. Saturn (discipline, restrictions) and Pluto (power) have been hanging out in Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, for almost two years. These are slow-moving, heavy-hitting players on the planetary stage. At the end of April, the two reached a near-conjunction before both going retro and staying mere degrees from each other, giving most people a feeling of something explosive about to happen. Now with both planets recently gone direct, and Saturn now moving toward Pluto in earnest, something is going to happen. On the global stage, we will see some major shifts, hopefully in the direction of justice, as Saturn is the cosmic cop. The two are near enough to cause trouble now, but as we move into December, things heat up even more until the conjunction is exact by January 12.

How can you be for love, peace and justice in this time of tension and difficulty? That is something to meditate on, and ask for guidance in moving forward. Everyone’s answer will be different, and we need all those different answers, but mostly we need the focused action that arises from truth. So follow through with your guidance, even if it’s likely to cause some trouble.

In your own life, power shifts are also likely. Who is going to get the promotion? Well, probably the one who puts in the most effort, hours and sweat equity, the one who earns awards and accolades. Even if this hasn’t always been the case in your company or organization, Saturn’s presence will reward the hard-worker more than the show pony now. As a Capricorn,  I will tell you that this is a good thing (and it’s about damn time!)

OK, let’s talk about the upcoming week. This Sunday, October 27, we have a Scorpio new moon (8:39 p.m.). And in the chart of this new moon, Uranus, the planet of upset, disruption and grand vision, directly opposes the sun/moon conjunction. Which means that things are going to go haywire. And because of that, many of us will change course. Brilliant ideas will arise from seeming or actual adversity. Difficult truths will come out. It’s how we deal with these revelations that matter, as Scorpio combos such as this always bring the possibility for transformation. What do you want to transform? This is a new moon that acts a bit like a full moon, especially with the Mercury retro impending. the two weeks following will be a time of discovery, release, and slow, deliberate forward movement.

Another aspect worth pointing out is an approaching Mars/ Pluto square, which can also bring conflict if we’re not mindful. But planning for possible conflict, objections and excuses that may arise within ourselves or in our interactions with others will help us be the solution rather than a part of the problem. The conjunction gets closer as we head into the Mercury retro which happens on Halloween, or Samhain. Yep, this is probably going to be a tricky one.

So here again are my guidelines for Mercury retro, that just happen to be good for just about everything that is going on now: be flexible, have a sense of humor, budget extra time (and probably money), have a plan b, and try not to make any major life decisions, unless the angels are trumpeting. But by all means, look for new, out-of-the-box approaches, and be open to intuitions and flashes of brilliance. Redo and/or complete things rather than launch new ships (again, unless winged creatures are making music).

We’re already into the shadow period. The storm period, when things really start to slow down, begins Friday, the 25th. Retro proper is October 31. Hold on to the handlebars that day, as the day Mercury changes direction is often the trickiest day in the cycle. Ditto that for November 20, though the retro doesn’t abruptly end on that day, as there’s an exit storm that goes until November 25.

I know this all sounds more tricky than treaty, but oftentimes the treats are the opportunities that open to us when the usual doors are not opening. I don’t know about you, but I  have been feeling this for a while. If we come from a place of possibility rather than fear, and are willing to let go of anything that isn’t serving us, even if it has served for a long time, we are in the best position to take advantage of this sweeping, transformational energy.

And as usual, I will be pointing out the bright spots in the retro cycle on Facebook.

See below for details about my upcoming New Moon Circle, THIS Sunday, October 27!

Samhain Blessings,


(619) 275-1731

New Moon Circle – Moon in Scorpio,  October 27, 7:00 p.m.

We’ll discuss planetary happenings for the month, and how to maximize your chances of success in all areas during this time. We’ll also do a cool, energy-enhancing manifestation circle and talk about how each of the signs can best navigate the upcoming transits. We’ll have refreshments and snacks. And you will have a better month than had you not attended!

When: October 27, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. NOTE: New time. The circle will go almost 2 hours (the actual new moon happens at 8:39 p.m., so we will be able to usher it in powerfully!
Where: My house in San Diego (Clairemont area) RSVP for address.
Cost: $20 donation.