My poems have been published in the anthologies The Giant Book of Poetry, California Fire & Water: A Climate Crisis Anthology, and Steve Kowit: This Unspeakably Marvelous Life (a tribute to my first poetry teacher, who was a wonderful poet and a great humanitarian), and have appeared or are forthcoming in several journals including Alabama Literary Review, The Alembic, American Literary Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Atlanta Review, The Baltimore Review, Bayou, Bellingham Review, Cimarron Review, Dogwood, The Evansville Review, The Fourth River, Hiram Poetry Review, Kestrel, Lascaux Review, Natural Bridge, North American Review, Permafrost, Poet Lore, Rattle, Red River Review, RHINO Poetry, Rosebud, Salamander, Sanskrit, Serving House Journal, Shadowbox, Shuylkill Valley Journal of the Arts, Slipstream, Soundings East, and Talking River.
My poem “Goldfish” won Bellingham Review’s 49th Parallel Poetry Award in 2014.
In 2015, my manuscript “Sleep While The Baby Sleeps” won the San Diego Book Award for best unpublished poetry chapbook.
Recently, I have contributed current events/political poems to: Cleaver Magazine, Mobius: A Journal of Social Change, Poets Reading the News, Rise Up Review, Writers Resist, and the anthology Not My President.
I have been a finalist or semi-finalist in several writing contests including Atlanta Review Prize, Lascaux Review, May Swenson Prize, Montreal International Poetry Prize, New Ohio Review Prize, Peter K. Hixson Memorial Scholarship, Phillip Levine Poetry Prize, Quercus Review Prize, Rattle Poetry Prize, River Styx International Poetry Prize, River Styx Micro Fiction Prize, San Diego Book Awards, and Summer Literary Seminars Contest.
I am a poet-teacher with California Poets in the Schools. I have also served as an editor of the California Poets in the Schools Anthologies, 2012 (“Turning into Stars”) and 2013 (“Sing to the Heart of the Forest”). My poems have also appeared in several California Poets in the Schools anthologies.