Sunday’s Capricorn full moon, the SECOND Capricorn full moon in a month’s time, promises to be even more dynamic and perhaps even a bit more dramatic and transformational than the first Capricorn full moon (which was on June 21) for most of us.

Let’s start with the moon/sun opposition, which, in this lunation, occurs at the last possible degree of Capricorn/Cancer (29 degrees). Some of you may remember that the first and last degree of any sign are the most power-packed degrees, but of these, it’s the last degree that is known as the “degree of tears”. And if this sounds negative, another way to put it would be the degree of seriousness. Yep, sometimes, some serious $#!+ happens around this degree. Add to the mix that this is a full moon, which, by definition is an argument between the head and heart (logic/emotion, ego/soul).

Another thing that sets this full moon apart is the conjunction of Pluto and the moon. For most of us, this will mean one or more of the following: lucid, prophetic or illuminating dreams, increased intuition, hunches and/or synchronicity, telepathy, guide changes, and the like. Increased sense of personal power, the need to fight and question the powers that be, whether in your family, workplace or government/politics. And some of you will be spurred to make transformation-level changes. Don’t ignore the urge, but also don’t rush blindly into the unknown. Trust that you will know when the time is right to make the change. Speaking truth to power can be effective now if we are prepared, centered, and organized.

However, on the other side of this coin, we must look to Mercury. Yep, Mercury has a few challenging aspects which could bring about revelations and other manner of toothpaste that can’t be put back in the tube. Be very mindful in communications, especially among those who are easily triggered or who may trigger you. So the moral here is to speak rationally, and in a thought-out manner rather than as a reaction. Yup, easier said than done, especially around a full moon.

So, yeah, I am going to recommend the one thing that I never fail to recommend in these posts: meditation and mindfulness, taking a few breaths before responding to something that causes you to feel discomfort. Many people are needing to do this now. Can you sense all the discomfort in the news cycle, like even more than usual? People who are not used to feeling uncomfortable are in full-blown reaction mode. Take a few breaths for them, too 🙂

What about the good news? Well, Jupiter and Venus are in friendly aspect, and this is captured in the full moon chart, so luck will abound, but some of it will look like inconvenience, re-direction and plot twists. Flexibility and openness will open doors now.

And other than that Mercury square, Mars is playing well with others now. If you know what you have to do, and set about your tasks joyfully or at least peacefully, you can accomplish a lot now. And if you have others working in harmony alongside you, all the better.

At the end of the day, this is a good full moon. Yes, it will cause many people a lot of discomfort. But I think it is the good kind. If we can question our reactions before we have them, and ask what the feeling may be trying to tell us, we will gain valuable insights now.

We have three heavy-hitting planets in retrograde: Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto.

Saturn being in retro is often like the boss being on vacation. If you are a good worker who prefers not to be micro-managed, you will do well now. But if you are someone who has a tendency to slack off with no oversight, your relief will only be temporary, and consequences will be forthcoming.

Neptune’s retro can increase the feeling of needing to escape from the present moment. Abuse of any substance or reliance on any distraction becomes more tempting, and we can often, unless we know our guidance system well, mistake emotion for intuition. However, Neptune is well-aspected now, so if we turn to the intuitive, creative and spiritual side of Neptune rather than seeking escape (meditate!) all will be well.

Pluto being retro can make spiritual growth easier, that is if you can resist the temptations presented by the other two retros and be honest about where your feelings are coming from.

And, not to stir the pot even more, but Mercury is also getting ready for a retro period. We will enter the storm period (pre-retro slowdown) on Saturday, July 27, and the actual retro begins on August 4 and goes until August 28. Give it another week to get out of the storm period.

So get stuff done now. Especially completions, cleaning, and reduction/elimination. Capricorn loves achievement, progress and having a clear desk and a workable routine. Adding just a bit more discipline and accountability will bring rewards now.

The next full moon circle is coming up on Monday, July 22 for Patreon subscribers only. The link is pinned to the top of the page. Here’s what one of my peeps said about being a patron: It’s a great value and it’s really helped me not to do something stupid several times. I look forward to the posts and go back to re-read them–S.N., California

Oh yeah, and I’m having a summer special AND it’s almost over! Only through July 31 and only for those who schedule online. $10 off the regular price of a 1/2 hour or 3/4 hour session, and $20 off a 1 hour session! Want to see how all the prevailing cosmic weather is rocking your chart, and how to maximize your success, love and abundance? Book Your Session Online

Full Moon Blessings,


(619) 275-1731

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