Today’s Libra solar eclipse (11:49 a.m. pacific Wednesday) gives us all the ingredients for a beautiful, abundant and harmonious feast. But will we combine these ingredients in such a way to create peace, love and success? Or will we be hasty, reckless or ignorant in our handling of these blessings?

As I’ve mentioned before, an eclipse is a lunation (new or full moon, new in this case) on steroids. And in case you haven’t noticed, there’s A LOT going on now. Those of you who watched me on Jill Thomas’ “A Little Bit Of Woo-Woo” podcast will remember that I predicted an eventful gateway between eclipses, including, unfortunately, water-related weather events, more big scandals and even wilder politics (OK, that one was probably a given), as well as incidents of war/terrorism. But I did point to this Libra solar eclipse as a time that could be conducive to peace-making. But will there be an attempt to make peace? Not sure, but again, all the ingredients for success are present in the chart of this solar eclipse.

Let me explain. This is the second of the two eclipses containing a grand trine, which is the most favorable and fortunate aspect in astrology. This grand trine is in water signs, which have to do with the emotions, relationship and sentiment. The planets involved are Mars, Venus and Saturn. This pertains to relationships of all sorts, but Saturn asks for work, discipline, patience, and/or great compromise on both sides of any issue.

And of course, by definition, a solar (new moon) eclipse puts the sun and moon in harmonious conjunction, and this one pulls Mercury into the embrace, in the sign of all things fair, pretty and nice: Libra.

Could it get any better? Sure, how about a continuation of good vibes flowing between Pluto and Uranus, two heavy-hitters who have been at odds in recent years. I know several of you won’t believe me, but I’ll say it: our political landscape is not as bad and divided as it was three or four years ago. There is much more unity. We are just going through a very loud time right now, as eclipses are really good at turning up the volume on everything.

AND we’ve got a couple nice sextiles, friendly aspects, between Pluto and Neptune (power and unconditional love/spiritual unity) and Neptune and Uranus (uplifting revolutions and innovations). People are banding together in many wonderful ways to make the world a better place.

Chiron, the asteroid of healing also makes significant aspects, first, in harmonious sextile to Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, and a square (more difficult aspect) to Mars (masculinity, aggression). A lot is coming up to be healed now. And good will come of almost everything.

But speaking of Mars, this fiery planet is the one fly in the ointment, and the one reason things could go wrong. Yep, we’re back to the subject of anger, aggression, and trouble. Mars not only squares Chiron, which will have some people operating from their wounded-ness, but also squares Mercury, which can bring toxicity into communications, and a square between these two may have people acting and speaking faster than they can think. Knowing this, we can predict more explosions of rage and toxic aggression from unhealed individuals.

But the good news is that during an eclipse cycle, things come to light. Think back over the news of the past two weeks, and you’ll see scandals aplenty. This is a good thing, even as it feels very uncomfortable, and may trigger our own trauma responses. Sorry, but there is probably more to come, as the eclipse energy sticks around a little longer than a normal lunation. But all that is revealed is coming up to be healed. Be gentle with yourself, and know that it’s OK to fast from the media for a while.

How did this gateway between eclipses land for you? Mostly, these events give us not-so-subtle clues about what we need to heal and change. I hope you received a few good insights. I know I wasn’t the only one being presented with lessons and reminders, as many of my most fabulous clients called to talk about eclipse lessons and how to use this energy to break through to the next level.

The first eclipse, the Pisces lunar, brought up lessons of soul purpose for many I spoke to, and this one looks to bring in relationship matters as well as communications-related expansion.

I hope you took my advice and did some releasing, cleaning and/or clearing in order to get ready for the opportunities that will present themselves following this eclipse. And be ready to expand your comfort zone once again in service of your higher vision.

If you want to know where these eclipses landed in your chart, and how to best navigate this eventful time for maximum benefit, let’s talk! Book Your Session

AND My next Free-for-Patrons moon circle will be held TONIGHT: Wednesday, October 2 at 6:00 p.m. pacific. If you’re on Patreon, the link is pinned to the top of the page. If you would like to attend without joining, get your ticket HERE

Solar Eclipse Blessings,


(619) 275-1731

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