Thursday’s Aries full moon (4:26 a.m. pacific, October 17th) is another one of those highly energetic and interactive dramas that may leave the audience gasping at its over-the-top theatrics. However, I think that once the play’s over, we’ll find that a lot of the fiery flourishes were just for fun or to make a brief impression. So try not to get too wound up about what happens or what someone says or does during this time around this full moon.

In fact, a lot of what happens around this time may just be a pop quiz on what we learned, or were supposed to learn from the recent eclipse cycle. So if $#!+ happens, ask yourself what it might be trying to remind you, especially if you know what lessons the eclipses brought for you.

Another analogy I use often for times like this is to think of it like being at an amusement park. Or maybe one of those Murder Mystery dinner theatre shows. Yeah, let’s stay with the drama analogy. You’re probably not going to die, but there will be thrill and spills.

The Aries/Libra opposition often does this so brilliantly. Aries brings the power and the punch, and Libra brings the showmanship and dramatic flair. This opposition always gives attention to the balance between the self (Aries) and the others with whom we have relationships (Libra), and you can expect that things become a bit unbalanced around an Aries/Libra full moon. So don’t be surprised if you feel selfish or a bit like a doormat around this time, and maybe even a bit of both.

But if we liken this moon to a theatrical production, this one has a great supporting cast, as almost all the planets are in aspect.

Let’s start with the troublemakers. Well, first up is the drama king Mars. Yep, the planet of war and aggression that rules Aries is in play yet again, in a t-square (very challenging aspect) to the sun/moon opposition AND its own opposition to Pluto.

Expect the power-mongers in your life to monger even harder right now. But this power-playing is heavy-handed and anger driven rather than well-thought-out and cunning. So chances are, if you keep your wits about you, you won’t be outsmarted by your co-worker jockeying for a leg up on you. But steer clear nonetheless, as an unpleasant exchange or two may be in the offing.

Another spot of trouble could arise with the Venus/Uranus opposition. While both planets are well-aspected by other planets, their face-off could be difficult for relationships as well as finances. Try to avoid impulse-buying or triggered reactions. Take a cooling off period before acting hastily with either love or money.

But now that we’ve gotten some of the drawbacks out of the way, there are many positives in the chart of this lunation.

Since we’re talking about a full moon, let’s start with a nice aspect to the moon. Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, travel, higher education, and all good things is in friendly aspect to the moon. Yay! This means many opportunities will arise from this configuration and present themselves in the two weeks that follow the lunation. Since Jupiter and the moon are in Gemini and Aries, respectively, these opportunities are best found in making bold moves and communicating with others about what you are looking for.

Jupiter is also in aspect to Neptune, and although the aspect is a square, this can be a lucky aspect for those who attend to their intuition and trust their gut feelings and guidance, as well as those who do spiritual and healing work. On the other hand, this is a very difficult one for those in the grip of addiction or compulsion, as illusion is the other side of the Neptune coin, and excess is the other side of the Jupiter coin.

But speaking of Neptune, this spiritual and creative heavy-hitter is also the planet of unconditional love, and it is still well-aspected by fellow heavy-hitters (slow-moving, high-consequence outer planets). This is a time that is favorable to healing, mending past rifts with others, and resolving anything that comes up to be looked at now. Venus and Mars get in on the action, which can include healing from difficult partnership issues, or healing the partnership through counseling or other means.

And lest you thought that although Mars may make some trouble, it was only going to make trouble this go-round, there is another nice aspect I’d like to point out. Mars makes a friendly aspect to Uranus, which, if you get to work (Mars), will help bring ideas and opportunities to do bigger things (Uranus) to you.

Want some more good news? Remember how I said almost all the planets are in aspect? Well, there’s one that’s more or less minding its own business now, which is a kind of rare thing with the planet of discipline and authority, Saturn. And not only is this normally difficult and restrictive planet unaspected, it is also retrograde. A retro Saturn is very different than a retro Mercury. When Saturn goes retro, it’s kind of like the micromanaging boss being on vacation: great for those who like to work in their own way and are more productive doing so, but bad for those who see it as an invitation to slack off, as the boss will come back and want to know what you’ve done.

So, to summarize, we have seen a few themes in this lunation’s chart. Yes, it may be dramatic and showy at times, but mostly, all’s well that ends well, to throw out another Shakespeare quote. While there may be some relational discord, the seeds of healing are there, too. And luck comes, though mostly from doing and expanding. Networking can pay off big over the next two weeks following the full moon.

Don’t forget that the two weeks after a full moon are best for completions and releasing, eliminating and clearing. What’s in the way of your realizing your grand vision? Get to work on that.

Let’s talk about how this all shakes down in your unique chart, and how to maximize success, love and luck in all areas of life. Book Your Session

Full Moon Blessings,


(619) 275-1731

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