Monday’s 24 degree Cancer full moon (2:27 p.m. pacific, January 13) will be–surprise!–an ultra-emo one. Yep, this moon in Cancer, the sign of emotions, pulls in the big transit that’s rocking everything now: Mars vs. Pluto. And big change is on the horizon, as the sun aspects Uranus, the planet of revolution and disruption.
Yes, we’ve been seeing a lot of $#!+ happening in the tail end of the dragon year, from shocking acts of violence, increased sowing of political division, and even wildfires. And this full moon will unfortunately show us more of the same as the sun/moon opposition contacts the Mars/Pluto opposition. But the upside is that the full moon sheds light in the darkness, and unsavory activities are unmasked. Yep, we can expect more scandals, whistleblowing and investigative journalism to take center stage in the next few days, as well as over the two weeks following this full moon.
Do you remember my nickname for the Cancer/Capricorn opposition? That’s right, it’s the trying-not-to-cry-at-work moon. So, do yourself a favor and meditate, bringing down the white light to shield you, before going into work. And do mini-meditations throughout the day to keep coming back to center. And realize that others might be spinning out a bit more than usual. Be sensitive to this and work mindfully.
OK, so we got that bit of unpleasantness out of the way. And while that is big, as Pluto is one of the heavy hitting outer planets, and Mars is the most aggressive of the personal planets, this lunation really is more positive than negative. And even from much of the Mars/Pluto eruptions, good will come. An opposition has a way of doing that in time.
Let’s talk about the good stuff. First up, we have a sun/Uranus trine which can bring brilliant, life-changing, even million-dollar ideas. It can also bring like-minded people, kindred spirits, your way. The best way to attract this is to go where you feel drawn. Explore that cutting-edge idea, do humanitarian or activism-related work, and, if you have one, let your freak flag fly.
Another nice aspect is Mercury and Venus in sextile. It may be a good time, when you and your partner are both relaxed, to have that relationship talk. Communicate your feelings, needs and requests now, from a centered place, of course, and big shifts can occur.
And Neptune and Pluto are still friendly, so spiritual and healing work can bring clarity, resolutions, insights and blessings now. Pay attention to dreams and hunches.
Mars, also, is friendly with Neptune, so meditating on solutions to Mars/Pluto problems such as power struggles at work, may yield good results. And mediation between those who are at odds, as long as the mediator is impartial and emotionally intelligent, can also help to resolve issues now.
Friends can be very helpful and insightful now. Every issue that troubles you can be seen in a different light. Seek out those with different perspectives, and learn from others now.
And while there will be opportunities aplenty, don’t let anyone put you on the hurry-up to take their course, buy their car or get into any type of contract. Take time to meditate on and research big purchases, commitments and the like.
Of course, all these transits will fall somewhere in your unique chart. What planets do you have between the 20th and 29th degree? Especially in earth or water. Let’s talk if you want to know how to navigate this interesting time for maximum success and fulfillment. Book A Session
Remember, a full moon and the two weeks following this lunation are all about releasing, healing, completion and reduction. So definitely don’t bite off more than you can chew now. Finish what needs to be finished to clear your way before embarking on anything new if possible.
And if you really want to use this powerful time to release limitations and leave behind what no longer serves you, I’m having a Full Moon Circle on Monday, January 13. We will focus on release, clearing the path to your grand vision, and nervous system re-booting. Register HERE. The circle is free for Patreon subscribers. See the post pinned to the top of the Patreon page.
Full Moon Blessings,
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