Ok, so yesterday was the first day of spring, and the astrological new year. I love a new year, or a chance to start fresh, and that’s what this time can be for you.
Is there something in your life that needs revitalizing–or a complete turnaround?
How about something that needs a new spin, a new look or new focus?
This is a great time to reconnect with your vision and come at old projects or problems from a new angle. It’s also a great time to ask what’s not working, or what needs to be released. Remember, we are still under the influence of a Virgo full moon, which is the best full moon of the year for a clean-out, whether it be in your home space, your physical body (detoxify, refining diet and/or exercise), habits, self-talk, or your relationship life.
Spring means renewal, and it is the time of shedding new light on what was previously unclear.
Another traditional activity around the equinoxes is reflection on what has been accomplished and planning for the future. It is a good time for both celebrating the successes of the past 6 months, as well as planning how to maximize the next 6 months. Traditionally, it is a time to plant, and plan what you would like to harvest around the time of the autumnal equinox.
So take a few moments today to set intentions. Then take some action, however small, to show your commitment.
Another focus of the equinox, as day and night are equal, is balance. So, it’s a great time to look at what needs to be put in place to create more balance in your life. Justice and equality also come into play as the equinoxes are in Aries, the sign go the self, and Libra, the sign of the other. Look at what you are giving relative to what you take, and begin to take more steps toward equanimity.
In another week exactly, we will have a strong Aries new moon (March 27, 7:57 p.m. Pacific), which can really help you push forward in a larger way. Plant the small seeds today, and clear out what’s in your way, but look to next week, and the two-week period leading up to the full moon on April 10 for concerted efforts.
In other news, Venus, the planet of love and money, is about to get challenged even more. The goddess planet is currently retro, but it goes “invisible” with an inferior conjunction to the sun on Saturday…in Aries, the sign of “me first”. The best remedy for this is to be mindful, take deep breaths when triggered or tempted in love or money-related issues, and to avoid impulsive actions for the next couple of weeks. As always, meditate for clarity and to intuit the best course of action. And this week would be a good one to plant seeds of goodwill, as next week it could be a little harder, what with the increased Aries energy, which is better for ambitious pursuits than sensitivity in relationship. Also, Mercury retro is coming up in April, so all the more reason to build bridges now (We’ll talk more about this soon).
Happy vernal equinox, and happy birthday to my Aries friends!
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