While new moons normally bring relief, as the sun and moon are conjunct and therefore in harmony, as well as a green light to start new projects, Friday’s new moon in Libra (12:30 p.m. pacific) carries with it some difficult aspects, plus a Mercury retrograde which make both of these more challenging. But there will be some respite and bouts of motivation despite this, especially if you are focused on the Libran values of justice, equality, tending to relationships and balance.

Yep, this new moon occurs in the wake of some sharp aspects that could make interactions more contentious, such as a Mars/sun opposition, and now with the moon conjunct the sun, both are involved in this Mars dispute, and feelings could get hurt. Mars, as you may know, is the planet of aggression and might. Another power struggle involves a Mars square to Pluto, which is near-conjunct Saturn. I’ve said much about this Pluto/Saturn matchup this year, but suffice it to say Mars is setting off both of these superpowers. And then there’s another opposition involving Uranus and newly retro Mercury in Scorpio. Yes, communications and actions could be tinged with anger and driven by vengeance.

So chill. Meditate and/or intersperse meditative activities throughout your day. Expect that others will be grouchy or communicate with less clarity and sensitivity. Staying centered and grounded is job one during times like this, which has pretty much been the story of the year of the Rat (January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021).

Do you remember that show Boiling Point? It was on MTV for a few years in the early 2000’s. It was a hidden-camera reality show in which a person was targeted by actors who tried to anger her or him, but if the person remained cool, she or he would win a cash prize. It was brilliant, as reality shows go. So maybe let’s all imagine we’re on that show. And all the crazy transits, along with all the craziness of the Rat year, are the actors trying to get us to lose it. The prize on the show is $100. Not losing it in these times is worth more than that, as it keeps our energy up and keeps us attracting good things.

So, yeah, this isn’t one of those warm, fuzzy new moons from which you can launch your dreams as if from a slingshot and go full-steam ahead. But it is a good time to intend what you would like to create within the month (or year, if it’s the new moon closest to your birthday), and to envision that while waiting for a gap in traffic so you can make your move. There will be moments of divine inspiration, and the more you’re connected to your intuitive guidance, the easier it will be to see these opportunities.

My standard guidance during a Mercury retro is to research, re-do, revise, and stay pretty much behind the scenes, unless the angels trumpet that you must make this new start, or that bold move. And knowing the difference between being guided by spirit and goaded by emotion is a must. I’m here to help, if you need guidance around actions during this time. And as usual, I’ll be pointing out the bright spots in the Mercury retro cycle on my Astrology by Jackleen Facebook page.

There will be a lot of stop/start energy this time around, but you will be able to make some nice starts this new moon period (in the two weeks before the full moon on Halloween).

I’ll talk more about this tomorrow, Friday on my Facebook Live chat. It will be at 12;00 p.m. this time, as I am hosting my community coaching series Creating Abundance by the Moon in the evening.

And stay tuned for my next Creating Abundance by the Moon event! Details coming soon.

New Moon Blessings,


(619) 275-1731