Here’s a question: How would you change your life if you could wave a magic wand and reform any habit that hinders you in the pursuit of your grand vision? What habits would you change, and how drastically would you change them?

The reason I ask is that we’ve almost arrived at the best full moon of the year for habit reform!

So why are you not as excited about this as I am?

Is it because you have probably already realized that there’s no magic wand?

Yeah, there’s no magic wand, but hear me out. I think this is a better way to do it. Or maybe it’s just because I have a geeky Virgo moon and I know the power of making small shifts at the right time with a larger vision in mind.

Are you ready for another cold truth?

OK, here it is: cold turkey almost never works.

Every cold turkey story I’ve heard has followed a dramatic realization, an unmistakable shift in perception that makes it impossible to continue on in the same vein. And while I’m all for this kind of transformation, in fact, this is one of the coolest shifts I see in my clients, by definition it is rare.

But we can all improve in two or three areas within a reasonable range, particularly if the planets align in the way that is happening now.

Friday’s Virgo full moon (12:18 a.m. pacific) is the moon of all things healing, cleansing and releasing. Full moons favor these activities in general, but a Virgo moon amplifies the need for order and right-function in a way no other moon can.

And this particular Virgo moon forms a happy aspect to Pluto, which is the planet of transformation, thereby making transformation and reformation easier to come by.

And, speaking of heavy-hitting outer planets, two others are getting in on the action: Neptune and Uranus.

Let’s start with Neptune. Conjunct the sun, Neptune can often bring to the surface habits that enable denial and escapism. While these gremlins will be hanging around in spades now, they will also be more visible, as the sun illuminates what is next to it. So either we will fully and knowingly succumb to their temptations, or, with a modicum of noticing, we will be able to see them for what they are, ask them what they really want, and be present enough to provide that instead. Most gremlins would prefer to fly under the radar, and when we train our attention on them, they often scurry away.

Uranus is the planet of disruption and upset. On the other side of the Uranian coin, however, is your vision. So if you trust that what is happening is happening so that you can be present enough this time to shift your reaction to it and meet it with a different response, then you have made a shift from which you can more effectively live into your vision of yourself.

So what is favored following this full moon? Besides the above-mentioned activities, I would say anything Piscean, as the sun, Neptune (Pisces’ ruling planet) and Jupiter are conjunct in the sign of the fishes. These activities include aquatic sports, yoga, creativity and spiritual/healing work.

A Virgo moon enhances communications-related activities, especially those of a more solitary and introspective nature: writing, editing, composing marketing materials and emailing.

And, yes, it likes things that one doesn’t normally relish doing. Taxes, anyone? Organizing pursuits, detail work, deep cleaning. Yeah, all that stuff that’s been on the to-do list for a while. Make a list. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes, whatever you think you’ll need to get it done. Put on some music or an audiobook if that’s your thing, and begin. Intersperse mental and physical activity. You’ve probably heard me say this before. But now is the perfect time for this.

Virgo likes to do things in increments. Set small, cheerful goals with a low and high range. build in small rewards. You just might surprise yourself. And keep envisioning small pieces of the larger vision coming together (If you’ve participated in a Moon Circle or had a Vision Attraction Session, you know what I’m talking about).

The reason I’m sending out this email a little in advance of the full moon is so that you can begin thinking about what kind of changes you would like to create now, and set yourself up for success in the next week. Also, as soon as the moon moves into Virgo (Wednesday at 12:59 a.m.) you can begin tackling some of these tasks. Maybe tackle is too strong a word. Start whittling away, maybe. That sounds more Virgoic.

One more thing about resetting. The sun enters Aries on Sunday, which brings in the spring equinox. It’s the beginning of the astrological year, and a great time to set intentions for the next 6 months. Be sure to celebrate what you have achieved in the last 6 months.

And if you really want to work with the planetary energies to create success, check out Creating Abundance by the Moon!

The prevailing energies are right for change. And with Pisces influences in abundance, there is also a nice mixture of strong intuitive guidance, luck, synchronicity, and off-the-charts creativity.

Tickets are on sale now! We will meet on Wednesdays, starting THIS WEDNESDAY: March 16, March 30 and April 13 at 6:00 p.m. pacific via Zoom.

Let’s harness this fabulous energy for creation and forward motion! We will do fabulous manifestations, deep healing releases and open to and receive more guidance and clarity.

Check it out and purchase tickets HERE! Only $85 for all three sessions if you sign up before midnight March 15 ($95 after that).

If we haven’t talked about your new year, this is the best time to have a new year’s reading. We are collectively moving into a new energy and you definitely want to maximize that, and streamline your energy so you can up-level and rock it! Let’s talk!



(619) 275-1731

Email Me

P.S.: And if you really want to rock it, let’s chat about Transformational Life Coaching!