Leo New Moon: Comedy, Adventure or Drama?

Sunday’s 13 degree Leo new moon (4:13 a.m. pacific) has all the elements of a good movie: adventure, romance, fun and, of course, conflict. We’re already in the season of the Leo sun, which brings a fair amount of drama just by being Leonine. However, on...

Capricorn Full Moon: Better the Second Time Around?

Sunday’s Capricorn full moon, the SECOND Capricorn full moon in a month’s time, promises to be even more dynamic and perhaps even a bit more dramatic and transformational than the first Capricorn full moon (which was on June 21) for most of us. Let’s...

Gemini New Moon: Will Work for Luck?

Thursday’s Gemini new moon (5:38 a.m. pacific) is a lunation that definitely mirrors its celestial host, the dual-personality wonder of the Zodiac. And like two twins born under the sign of Gemini (by which I mean sun and/or moon), one will be fast-moving,...

Sagittarius Full Moon: Friends in High Places

Thursday’s full moon (6:53 a.m. pacific) will bring opportunities that rarely present themselves. The only conundrum is, we will need to cultivate the right blend of commonsense wisdom and mindful intuitive prowess in order to notice when a golden door is being...