Aquarius New Moon & Lunar New Year

Are you ready for a change of energy That’s a serious question. Because the chart of Monday’s Aquarius new moon (9:46 p.m. pacific) is pretty straightforward. So much so that I will venture to say that this Tiger year is going to be mostly good...

Could This Be the Moon We’ve Been Waiting For?

It’s that time of year again, the Cancer full moon, which you may have heard me refer to as the “Trying not to cry at work” moon. Yep, this could be a challenging one, not only because the emo Cancer moon is facing down not only a stern,...

How to Get a Jump-Start on the Year of the Tiger

We’re approaching that time of the year again, the real new year.  I don’t know about you, but the “…three, two, one…nothing” countdown ritual around midnight on January 1 never did it for me.  But maybe that’s because the energy of the year doesn’t really change...

Capricorn New Moon: Harmonious New Beginnings

In my last article, I mentioned making a list of things to complete, clear out, and release before the end of the year. If you haven’t done so, there’s still time to check a few off before the new moon, because come January 2,(10:33 a.m. pacific)...

Gemini Full Moon: Out with the Old…

OK, before you read any further, take out a blank piece of paper and write down five things you want to complete before the end of the year. The operative word here is complete. I’ll wait. Great. You are ready for one of my favorite full moons of the year, the...

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: Small Actions, Big Luck

If you’ve been heeding my advice and getting your ducks lined up and closets cleaned out, this is your time. An optimistic Sagittarius solar eclipse is just the ticket to launch a big dream with strong intentions and small action steps that solidify your...