Libra New Moon: A Precarious Balancing Act

While new moons normally bring relief, as the sun and moon are conjunct and therefore in harmony, as well as a green light to start new projects, Friday’s new moon in Libra (12:30 p.m. pacific) carries with it some difficult aspects, plus a Mercury retrograde...

Aries Full Moon: Reaping our Transformation

The Aries full moon is usually a powerhouse, as Aries is the sign ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression, while the sun in Libra is all about Venusian values which include justice, beauty and harmony. So of course, there is usually quite a bit of tension around this...

Virgo New Moon: Piecing Together the Puzzle

Well, I hope every surface in your home is de-cluttered and disinfected. I’m kidding…kinda. Because, yeah, it would actually help to meet a Virgo moon with as orderly of a space as you can, as Virgo is the sign of organization and housekeeping. Of course...

Pisces Full Moon: A Little Something for Everyone

The Pisces full moon always brings a touch of mysticism, intuition and creativity, but this evening’s Pisces moon (10:22 p.m. pacific) is an interesting one because not only does it contain all that, but all of the planets are participating in multiple aspects,...

Leo New Moon: Relief and Recreation

The first thing that came to mind when I looked at the chart of tomorrow’s new moon (7:42 p.m. pacific, Tuesday, August 18) is that it is almost perfect in the way it configures, which means it will give most of us a pretty good printout of the energy we are...

Aquarius Full Moon: Crazy, Mercurial & Independent

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to getting things done, and communicating all adult-like without retro Mercury’s tempestuous twists and turns, enter an opinionated Aquarius full moon with significant oppositions to the planet of communications,...