Leo Full Moon & Mercury Retro: Save the Drama…

Tomorrow’s full moon in Leo (11:16 am pacific) will give each of us an opportunity, if not several, to choose how to respond to those triggers that have previously plagued us. In fact, I’m betting that at least one of your triggers has already been tested...

Capricorn New Moon: Transformational Turning Points

Tonight’s new moon in Capricorn (9:00 p.m. pacific) brings powerful, transformational Pluto into the mix with a conjunction that asks us the question of who we truly are, and how we will cultivate and use our power in the world, our workplaces and families. It...

Cancer Full Moon: Emotional Housekeeping

Tonight’s Cancer full moon (Tuesday, December 29 at 7:28 p.m. pacific) is exactly what we need to close out the calendar year of 2020. Although the January 1st “new year” has no astrological significance, and the year we know as 2020 is actually the...

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse: Lucky Launching Pad

Okay, this is my new favorite solar eclipse! Not only is the sun/moon conjunction in lucky Sagittarius, but the sun, moon and Mercury are all being favorably aspected by Mars, the planet of action. What you do now and in the next two weeks to a month to purposely...

Gemini Lunar Eclipse: Flexibility & Freedom

This morning’s Gemini lunar eclipse (1:30 a.m. pacific) kicked off a dramatic and cathartic 2-eclipse cycle that will give us the opportunity to exit 2020 carrying a lighter load and a renewed sense of purpose. If we play our cards right. But before we get to...

Scorpio New Moon: Strong Intentions & Initiating Actions

Saturday’s Scorpio new moon (9:08 p.m. pacific) does what new moons do best, particularly after a tumultuous Mercury retro, it sets things in motion again. This new moon is especially good for making a fresh start, as Mars will go direct tomorrow, Friday, in its...

Taurus Full Moon on Halloween: Spooky Shenanigans

Saturday’s Halloween Taurus full moon (7:49 a.m. pacific) comes to us as a bonus gift during the time that the veil between the living and spirit world is the thinnest, the time of Samhain and Dia de los Muertos. A full moon enhances intuition, spirit...

Libra New Moon: A Precarious Balancing Act

While new moons normally bring relief, as the sun and moon are conjunct and therefore in harmony, as well as a green light to start new projects, Friday’s new moon in Libra (12:30 p.m. pacific) carries with it some difficult aspects, plus a Mercury retrograde...

Aries Full Moon: Reaping our Transformation

The Aries full moon is usually a powerhouse, as Aries is the sign ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression, while the sun in Libra is all about Venusian values which include justice, beauty and harmony. So of course, there is usually quite a bit of tension around this...

Virgo New Moon: Piecing Together the Puzzle

Well, I hope every surface in your home is de-cluttered and disinfected. I’m kidding…kinda. Because, yeah, it would actually help to meet a Virgo moon with as orderly of a space as you can, as Virgo is the sign of organization and housekeeping. Of course...